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Shkorpilovtsi is situated 35-40 êm south from the town of Varna and 94 km from the town of Burgas. The resort matches the most beautiful part of the east slopes of the Balkans, covered with coniferous and broad-leaved woods with a wide virgin beach strips of fine sand, about 8 êm long and up to 100 - 120 m wide, with sand-dunes at some places. Right next to the beach and the bridge, from which in the evening opens an incredible panorama to the sunset, runs the river Fandakliyska.
Bulgaria   8130, Sozopol  7, Musala str
tel/fax: +359 550 22429
tel/fah: +359 550 23925
GSM: +359 898 686217
GSM: +359 898 654320
ICQ: 224177329
skype: aiatour
E-mail: aiatour@aiatour.com
E-mail: aiatour@abv.bg
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