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Kavatsi campsite is situated 4 km. south of Sozopol, just before the Smokinya campsite. It has 4 Lilia-type villas, each with two rooms, kitchenette and private bathroom, 33 suite-type wooden bungalows with two double rooms each, 78 two-bed wooden bungalows with bathroom, 41 two-bed wooden bungalows without bathroom, and 7 three-bed wooden bungalows. The campsite provides lots for 200 tents and 50 caravans.
Bulgaria   8130, Sozopol  7, Musala str
tel/fax: +359 550 22429
tel/fah: +359 550 23925
GSM: +359 898 686217
GSM: +359 898 654320
ICQ: 224177329
skype: aiatour
E-mail: aiatour@aiatour.com
E-mail: aiatour@abv.bg
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